Up close and personal with Ms. Rose.
Our studious pose with the library in the background.
and some vids....
Cecilia doing what girls must - talking
Motion Sickness? Right...
We even shot some vids as proof. Check 'em out....
Cecilia and Momma talking on the couch.
Cecilia vs. Louis the Bear
My Life's Story: From Down Here
An Experiment Which Involves My Hand and My Mouth
Cecilia Shooting the Shiz
Take Two
Truthfully, though, our little lady has been having a rough go at it lately. (aka putting our newly found parenting skills to the test! Sometimes even to our frustration!) She's had a lot of trouble breastfeeding and sleeping in the late afternoon and into the evenings - and her crying & screaming have become rather commonplace of late. We took her in to the doc to make sure she didn't have and ear infection or anything - and everything looks OK. Let's hope that our little gal will pull through and get back to her normal cheery self!
Papa putting his little one to sleep - because she refuses to lay down
(PS - this thing is awesome. It's called a moby wrap - it makes the baby feel "wombed" again - Cecilia will fight if for the first minute or two, and then knock out, hardcore!
Mom, are you serious?
Get these things off my head!
Power fist! Word.
Mom....I am reaching my limit!
All done!
And the winner....Happy Valentine's Day!
"Are those guns registered?"
Warming up after my bath. Fleece is wonderful!
So Cute!
One of Cecilia's favorite things to do is to play on her play mat. She lays on her back and there is a star suspended above her that plays music and lights up in different ways if she wiggles the other suspended toys. I don't think she gets the whole concept yet - but she still likes the music and especially the lights on the star...
Play time with Great Grandma and Grandpa
Our attempt at a group picture....it was nap time for Cecilia!